Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stardock Decor8 out of beta - final version released

  Decor8 is a solution to the limited start screen customization options in Windows 8. Decor8 expands the start screen customization possibilities from the few images included with Windows 8 to a limitless variety of user photos and background images. With Decor8 users also have the capabilities that allow them to create their own background image slide shows and color scheme combinations.

What is Decor8

Windows 8 limits your start screen customization options to only a few provided background images and a few pre-defined color schemes.
Decor8 removes these limitations and provides the freedom to personalize your start screen with your own images and colors.

 Background Images
Choose from more background images to personalize your start screen.
  • Add your own photos and images
  • Select multiple images to create a custom slideshow
  • Randomize background images in timed intervals for a fresh look
  • Apply effects to scroll, fade, blur, recolor and add contrast to your background images
  • Choose your own image for your lock screen background

Color Schemes

Decor8 will automatically create a color scheme to match each of your background images.
Or you can customize the color scheme, it's up to you. Custom color schemes can also be applied to your charms bar.

Choose one of the standard Windows color schemes 
                                                                                   Create, save and apply your own color scheme


            Control how many rows of tiles are available on your start screen.

Default tiles setting 
                                                               Custom tiles setting

Where can I get it?

Try it free for 30 days:Download

Purchase Decor8 now for only $4.99:   Get it Now