FlashGet is a leading download manager and has the highest
amount of users on the internet. It uses MHT(Multi-server Hyper-threading
Transportation) technique, supports various protocols and has excellent
document management features. It uses MHT(Multi-server Hyper-threading
Transportation) technique and optimization arithmetic and it can split
downloaded files into sections and supports multipoint transfers in parallel.
Moreover, the techniques (UDCT, Ultra Disk Cache Tech) can protect your hard
disk and make you download more stable.
FlashGet supports HTTP,FTP,BT,MMS,RTSP and other protocols.
It is seamless between protocols and there is no need to operate manually for
download switch.The One Touch technique optimizes BT download and can
automatically download target files after getting seeds information, hence no
need to operate again.
Download: FlashGet 3.7 build
1218 | 6.4 MB (Freeware)
View: Homepage
View: Homepage